The Revival of the Philosopher King

This term has been historically applied primarily to political systems and dogmas.  The origin of the “Philosopher King” is credited to Plato:

“philosophers [must] become kings…or those now called kings [must]…genuinely and adequately philosophize” (The Republic, 5.473d).

A philosopher king is a ruler who bases his decisions on wisdom and knowledge, rather than on personal gain or self-interest. Plato believed that such a ruler would be able to see beyond the illusions of physical existence and understand the true nature of reality. He would then be able to lead his people in the pursuit of truth and justice.

Critics argue that the concept of a philosopher king is unrealistic and impractical. They argue that it is impossible to find a single person who is wise enough to rule a nation. Furthermore, they argue that even if such a person were found, he would be likely to abuse his power.

A Philosopher Queen of this century is therefore a person who has excelled in or found meaning in the creative process.  This creative process must be philosophically accurate in order to transform the individual first and then, by graces not fully understood, other members of the community.

HeartMath LLC

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